Monday, October 6, 2008

Mr. Tigger

Samantha and Mr. Tigger's Mom asked me to write limericks for them some time ago. Now that I finally have the time to do it, she's on vacation. I hope this will make a nice surprise for her when she gets back. Maybe it will help make up for the thorough house-trashing that's going on now.

Mr. Tigger started off life as a feral kitty. A friend of his present Mom found him in her yard and decided to keep him, but he tried to eat her bird. She decided that he needed a new home and gave him to his present Mom and they have been together ever since. Mr. Tigger is an inside/outside cat, but he stays around his neighborhood and is good about coming inside when he is supposed to. He is a good hunter and presented his Mom with a mouse as a Christmas present last year. He loves catnip mice with tails to play with. He loves catnip in whatever form it comes in. He gets great enjoyment out of stalking Samantha, but she doesn't mind it too much. He is great with the granddaughter. He never puts the bitey on her, even when she pulls his tail. Mr. Tigger's favorite way to get a drink is to get his Mom to turn the faucet on for him.

                                 Mr. Tigger loves to drink from the tap.
                                 He just sticks out his tongue and takes a lap.
                                       He also bites it,
                                       But never fights it.
                                 And that's how Tigger drinks from the tap.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

This is a great limericks for Mr. Tigger~!!! Just love it!

Ailurophile said...

Fairy like the water from the faucet too...except that she likes to paw the water stream instead of drinking it!

Mr Tigger and Samantha are great kitties - thanks for this limerick!

Parker said...

Yay! We love Mt. Tigger and that's a great limerick for him!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I am inside/outside like Mr. Tigger, never go anywhere, come inside when I supposed to. Not like my truant brofur, who go for walk about.

Do not like to drink from tap however. Just bowl.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I enjoy the tap quite a bit, like Mr Tigger. Great limerick!

Purrs Shade

Maggie May said...

That is how I drink watie too!!! I wait in the bathroom sink or the kitchen sink until someone turns it on for me. I should learn how to do this myself.
~Chevelle and The Creek Cats~

Dma said...

unfortunately diego taught both thompson and theo the best water comes straight from the tap so it seems like i spent 2/3rds of my day turning the faucet on and off for the boyz. tigger sounds like a great kitty.

Anonymous said...

Mr Tigger will loves his limerick!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Hello Mr. Tigger!

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

Hi Mr Tigger,
Thank you very much for the award.
We love your limericks.

(((HUGS)))~ Chancy, Jake and Babe, the Ernie's Voice Gang

Unknown said...

That's my mancat bro! Great limerick for Tigger!

I can't wait to see what you write for my wonderful Sammie-pie . . .

Mr. Hendrix said...

great limerick!
that is a great picture of Mr. Tigger

mommy forgot to help me tell you that i gave you an award on Oct. 3 (Friday) i hope you'll like it.

The Devil Dog said...

That is a great limerick. What a great story.


Leona said...

He he he. Tap drinking is cool.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Miss Karen Jo, thank you so much for this great Limerick! I love it! Mom has been so busy she forgot to check when she got back from vacation! You are the best!
Hi 5 paw,
Mr. Tigger