On October 29, 2007, ML got a call from a neighbor who said that she saw a momcat carrying three tiny kittens up onto the Sherwood porch. ML checked and, sure enough, there was a tortie momcat with three kittens, just waiting to be taken inside. Although she still had Dinah and all her Mites, along with Missy and KC, ML just had to take in these cats, too. ML swears that there is a sign that only cats can read on her front porch which says that all kittens and their mothers are welcome there. Off they went to the bathroom, which Dinah and the Mites had just vacated. When they all checked out healthy, they joined the merry crew romping all over the house. This was just about more than Missy could stand, but KC was having a ball. Missy got her very own quiet room in a large closet. When Dinah, the Mites, Mama Tortie and her three were old enough, off they went to the no-kill shelter to find their forever homes. ML was very sad, as the house seemed too empty and much too quiet. Very soon, she got a message from the shelter that Mama Tortie and Baby Tortie were unadoptable, as they were too wild. They were going to be sent to a refuge for unadoptable cats. ML let Mama Tortie go, as she and Missy didn't get along well at all, but she went and picked up Baby Tortie. After dealing with KC, ML knew all about fractious tortie kittens. In fact, ML suspects that KC told Faith just how to get a forever home with the Sherwoods.
Faith Boomerang got her name from a friend who had told ML when she was so sad about all the kittens leaving that she just had to have faith and the fact that she boomeranged back.
Faith Boo, as she is usually called, is the most fractious and mischievous of the cats in the Sherwood home. She is very creative in making paper art, using TP and paper towels as her favorite media. She loves to get in places where she is not supposed to be, like inside the kitchen cabinets. At first ML couldn't figure out how she got in there, then remembered that KC knew how to open the door to the cabinet where the treats are kept. Obviously, KC had showed Faith how to open the cabinet door and Faith realized that it would work with any cabinet door. Faith loves to play with toys and the other cats. There is a red kitty tent that she has claimed as her own. She adores KC, but she is also very fond of the three boys. Wherever there is something interesting going on, Faith is right in the middle of it.
Faith Boo likes to get into trouble.
When mischief's afoot, she's there on the double.
She is very smart
With her paper art.
Little Faith Boo just loves trouble.