Here is
Pearl, outside where she most loves to be. I really wanted to do this limerick during Pearl Week, but woke up very ill on November 19th and just got well. As you can see, Pearl is a tortie and a Tough A** one, too. She is the alpha cat, though she is the smallest cat in the family. She even bosses George the dog around and keeps him out of the dining room, where all the cat beds and toys are. She doesn't want George to play with her toys, but she really enjoys playing with George's toys. She gets a lot of fun bunnykicking them. When Purdy went to the Bridge in September 2005, her Mom and Dad started looking for another cat and found Pearl in a shelter in January of 2006, when she was three months old. They wanted Pearl very much, for they drove an hour and a half in a blizzard to pick her up. Pearl celebrates her birthday on September 1st, which is the day that Purdy went to the Bridge and also her Aunt and Uncle's wedding anniversary. It makes a happy day that became sad a happier day again. Pearl was originally named after the octopus in
Finding Nemo, but when her character became more apparent, her Mom and Dad thought that she was more appropriately named after The Black Pearl in
The Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of The Black Pearl. She is quite a character. Like her two brothers, Pearl is very good at hunting and likes to eat her prey. Pearl only likes to sleep on the big bed if her Mom goes back to bed after breakfast. She finds it too crowded sharing with Jake and Bert at night.
Pearl was feeling a bit neglected.
She didn't get to blog, though she is respected.
She got the blog for a week,
Which her interest did peak.
Let's hope that Pearl no longer feels neglected.