Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy G&S Halloween
Happy Halloween
I was going to post a picture of my Halloween bear, but all my batteries, even the ones in the recharger, are flat. I have some recharging now and hopefully I will be able to get the picture up before Halloween is over. I hope all of you have a great Halloween, even if some of you spend it under the bed hiding from the Little Sticky People.
To all my friends, Happy Halloween!
It's the time when ghoulies and ghosts are seen.
I hope you get treats
And lots of good eats.
To all and sundry, Happy Halloween!
To all my friends, Happy Halloween!
It's the time when ghoulies and ghosts are seen.
I hope you get treats
And lots of good eats.
To all and sundry, Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Xena Velvet Ears

Xena had a velvety soft ear.
Just to stroke it gave her folks cheer.
She loved all the cats
And they would say, "That's
Our beloved Xena. Let's purr in her ear."
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Nelson John LaPurr

This is Nelson enjoying his very favorite catnip. This little bag is his and nokitty else's.

Nelson zealously guarded his nip.
Oh, woe to the kitties who thought to slip
It from under his nose.
He dealt with those
With a mighty paw and claws ready to rip.
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cocoa bathes Nitro with a tongue like a wet mop.
Nitro accepts it, though he wishes it would stop.
On and on it goes
From his head to his toes
'Til Nitro is soaked and wet as a mop.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Nitro S Pierce

Nitro stalks the human food.
He hopes his folks don't see him intrude.
When ravioli is near,
He sings loud and clear.
Nitro really loves the human food.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Xing Lu

Xing Lu means "fortunate jade" and Xing Lu is certainly a fortunate cat. Her present Dad was taking some tree branches out to a dump site way out in the country one day. It's an area set aside for disposing of wood and leaves, kind of like a giant compost pile, I guess. Anyway, on the way, he found a new-looking fabric carrier, like the ones for sodas, by the side of the road and stopped to pick it up and put it in the pickup truck. Once they had unloaded all the branches, the Dad decided to open up the carrier to see why it seemed a bit heavy. Up popped Xing Lu's head, soon followed by the rest of her, so he took her home to join the family. Xing Lu's previous life is pretty much of a mystery, though she had been well cared for. She was well groomed and spayed. She is missing her top left fang, but that was well healed up by the time she was found. Whatever kind of life she led, she loves people and dogs, but doesn't care much for other cats. She is getting better about that, though. She never learned how to play. She likes catnip, but just sniffs and licks catnip toys. She doesn't toss them around or bunnykick them. Rolling balls and feathers on strings don't get any reaction from her at all. She did once get interested in a tinsel wand that Nitro was playing with and joined in for a bit, but that's it. Nitro would love to kitty wrestle with her, but she just yells and runs away. Edmund and Nitro find this yelling and running away amusing and will sometimes chase her all over the house. Xing Lu has her own suite of rooms at night. The Boy used to live in them, but he has moved out and now they are hers. This is where she gets her rest time from Edmund and Nitro. She and Edmund used to really hate each other, but lately they have been caught actually sharing the same chair and even both sitting on Mom at the same time without growling at each other. Xing Lu is quite floofy, but doesn't shed much. This means that she doesn't often get hairballs, but once she had a really impressive one. I can't do the story justice by summarizing it, so you should follow this link for the full story behind the limerick.
Xing Lu once really hurled a hairball.
Everyone gasped as it slid down the wall.
They stared in awe
At what they saw
And crowned Xing Lu Queen of the Hurled Hairball.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sir Edmund Percival Hillary

Sir Edmund Hillary can climb anything.
As a kitten, to Mom's head he'd cling.
Now he views the fridge
As a mountain ridge.
Go, Sir Edmund, and climb that thing!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Farewell, Tiki
Our dear, sweet Tiki got so tired
That to go to the Bridge was all he desired.
His Mom helped him go,
Though it hurt her so.
Now he's running and playing and nevermore tired.
Thursday, October 16, 2008

I would like to pass this award along to:
Princess and Pierro for the pure humanity shown in their blog and their wonderful quotes.
Kimo and Sabi for their inventiveness and humor.
Black Cat for the sheer fun of reading her blog.
Jan's Funny Farm for all the help they give to animals in need.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Interesting Blog
I have had one of those weeks where something bad happened every day at work. I was feeling really rotten and sad when I found an e-mail with a link to a blog of slideshows. I found them really interesting and it helped cheer me up a bit. I tried to imbed my favorite of what I had looked at, but it didn't work. You can find the slideshow blog here. The show I liked most was the one on eyes.
I am still working on choosing blogs to pass on the award Mr. Hendrix gave me a few days ago. I hope to be back to my regular blogging tomorrow or Monday. At least I am going to have a better week starting tomorrow, because I am on vacation. Yay!
I am still working on choosing blogs to pass on the award Mr. Hendrix gave me a few days ago. I hope to be back to my regular blogging tomorrow or Monday. At least I am going to have a better week starting tomorrow, because I am on vacation. Yay!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Samantha Black

Samantha likes to play with the blind.
She likes to look out the window behind.
The blind may crinkle,
But it doesn't wrinkle
When Samantha gets up to look behind.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Mr. Tigger
Samantha and Mr. Tigger's Mom asked me to write limericks for them some time ago. Now that I finally have the time to do it, she's on vacation. I hope this will make a nice surprise for her when she gets back. Maybe it will help make up for the thorough house-trashing that's going on now.
Mr. Tigger started off life as a feral kitty. A friend of his present Mom found him in her yard and decided to keep him, but he tried to eat her bird. She decided that he needed a new home and gave him to his present Mom and they have been together ever since. Mr. Tigger is an inside/outside cat, but he stays around his neighborhood and is good about coming inside when he is supposed to. He is a good hunter and presented his Mom with a mouse as a Christmas present last year. He loves catnip mice with tails to play with. He loves catnip in whatever form it comes in. He gets great enjoyment out of stalking Samantha, but she doesn't mind it too much. He is great with the granddaughter. He never puts the bitey on her, even when she pulls his tail. Mr. Tigger's favorite way to get a drink is to get his Mom to turn the faucet on for him.
Mr. Tigger loves to drink from the tap.
He just sticks out his tongue and takes a lap.
He also bites it,
But never fights it.
And that's how Tigger drinks from the tap.
Sunday, October 5, 2008

1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
I would like to pass this award on to:
Ruis and all the other Kattenpraat kitties
Victor and Nina
Samantha and Tigger
The Real Cats, Gibbs Creek
Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernie's Voice
The modem seems to be behaving a bit better. For some reason I need to reboot it a couple of times when I first start trying to connect with the internet, then it works fine.
Friday, October 3, 2008

I am very sorry I haven't been around much lately. My internet connection has been very erratic lately. I think my modem is dying.
D~ Ma and the boyz over at Cat's Eye have been kind enough to give me this lovely award. Thank you very much. The rules for accepting the award are as follows: Give this award to five friends (and only 5) who are dedicated followers of your blog - one has to be a new blogger in a different part of the world. Link back to whoever gave you this award.
I would like to pass this award along to:
Princess and Pierro
Michico, Adan and Lego
All the Ballicus cats
Goldie and Shade
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