Saturday, July 4, 2009

Farewell, S'more

S'more was a ten-year-old tortoiseshell with just a touch of tortietude. She was taken to that last trip to the vet when her kidneys failed to the point where she could hardly stand or walk. S'more had a rough start in life when her first family abandoned her in an apartment complex when they moved. She was starving when a nice person found her and took to her a vet's office who offered to keep her until a home could be found for her. Her forever Mom found her there and brought her home. This treatment led to a slight eating disorder. S'more would often try to eat every bit of food in her bowl as quickly as possible, which led to barfing it all up again. It took her a long time to accept that there would always be food for her in her new home. S'more just loved to give her Mom kitty kisses. She was a very loving cat and was much loved in return. She will really be missed.

                                        S'more had to be helped on her way
                                        To the Bridge where she can run and play.
                                              She'll have a great time
                                              In that place sublime,
                                        While we weep a bit 'cause she went away.


ZOOLATRY said...

Sweet S'more, she was a good friend. Purrs for her, for her good mom Karen, and all who loved her.

Anonymous said...

Sad post and sweet Limerick.

Anonymous said...

S'more was very beautiful. Purrs to her family.

Happy Fourth of July, Karen Jo!

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace, little sweetie. You are safe now.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such a little sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

We were all saddened to learn of S'mores trip to the bridge. I'm happy she had Karen to care for her and give her a good life. It was a short life for a feline. Hugs to all the family who are missing her.

Ailurophile said...

Sorry to learn that S'more had to go through such a tough time early on in her life. Glad that she found a nice furrever home later on. Hope she has a happy and peaceful time across the rainbow bridge.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We'll never understand how folks can just move away and leave their pets behind!

The Devil Dog said...

Thank goodness for caring people who rescue abandoned animals. Mom thinks that people like that are just terrible and heartless.


Jasmim said...

Sorry for S'more =(
Thank you for remembering my birthday!

Jas & Gi

Shelly said...

I'm sad that S'mores is gone, but glad she finally had a good home. I don't understand how people can move off and leave the furbabies.

Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Hi Karen Jo!
I just found your blog and realized that you posted this beautiful poem for my S'more. Thank you so much - you have no idea how much this means to me!

She was my precious little darling and I will love and miss her forever.

Thank you again!

S'more's Mommy, Karen xo