Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem

I think you will need to biggify my Peace Globe to be able to read the limerick.  I do feel strongly that the need for world peace just gets bigger and bigger.  There have been wars of one kind or another going on for almost my entire life and I really want to see an end to it.  If we could all only work together, we could feed the world and end the reasons for strife.  We need to stop fighting among ourselves and find ways to combat global 
warming, or we will all be in deep trouble.  World Peace is a necessity, not a luxury.


Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Kitty hugs to you, Karen Jo!
We couldn't agree with u more!

Anonymous said...

Great to see you on board for a good course - nice globe too!

Mine is up :-)

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I love your peace globe too ... BIGGAFIED (wink)

Hi from Speedy ^^/-/~

Anonymous said...

Indeed, we are all neighbors. Well done, Karen Jo!

Peace to you and yours around the Peace Globe!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very nice, Karen Jo. Well written.

Peace to you all,

~Shade and Goldie

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Well said! Now, if we all cuds do that ... would catnip help???

Anonymous said...

Love your peace globe and your words.
Peace to you and yours!!

Parker said...

Amen Karen Jo!
Peace and smoochies to you! said...

I couldn't agree with everything you said more, especially the part about our need to work together. I also love your peace globe.

Thank you for all the nice things you wrote in my comments. You were the first to comment on my Peace Globe, thank you Karen Jo. It's nice to meet you~


Paula said...

I love your Peace Globe and Limerick!
I hope you have a peaceful day today too!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Terrific limerick, Karen Jo! Let there be peace!

The Meezers or Billy said...

great limerick Karen Jo!!!

Barbara said...

Hi Karen Jo,
Thank you for visiting ;)
I agree with your philosophy 100%
Yes, what more simple than to live in peace and lead our lives ? But, too simple for some.
We Peacebloggers believe :)

Wishing you and your beautiful cats Peace & Love.

Mickey's Musings said...

Peace ,Love and Rock'n Roll!!

Amen to your comments :)

Purrs Mickey ,Georgia & Tillie

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for stoping by my blog. I biggified your peace globe - fun limerick. Peace to you.

Gattina said...

Nice and appropriate limerick !
When I think that John Lennon gave peace a chance so many years ago and we are not very much advanced since that time, sad to say !
Peace and Love !

Ivanhoe said...

Have a peaceful day and let love rule! :o)

Dma said...

your limerick sez it all.

Dr. A said...


cathy said...

Hello, Peace to you too:)

PB 'n J said...

Well said Karen Jo (both the post and the limerick!). Peace, purrs and love to you.



Peace~filled Purrs

Blogging for Peace
and Gracie

Wendy Hoke said...



Tybalt said...

What a wonderful post and a wonderful limerick. Peace and purrs to you, sweet Karen Jo.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Peace to you and yours Karen Jo and beyond the blogosphere!

Raven said...

Well said! Peace is so much better than war, you'd think we'd use our energy and imagination to create it! Humans are strange. Peace!

Me. Here. Right now. said...

Here's to our larger voice being heard.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Peace to you and to all the people of the world!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Karen Jo that is a wonderful Limerick for Peace!! Let there be Peace on earth and let it begin with us!! Have a Peaceful day!
Your FL furiends,

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Wonderful post!
Peace to us all!
~ The Bunch

Akelamalu said...

Your Peace Globe is beautiful.
Peace to you and yours. :)

Jeni said...

Great limerick for peace!
Peace be with you today, and always.

Anndi said...

Peace to you my neighbor!

Dona Nobis Pacem

jenianddean said...

That's a great limerick!

Peace to all - big and small!

-The McKitten-Cats

Daisy said...

Peace to you!

Sandee said...

Love thy neighbor. Great advice. Peace to you. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, wars are tiring. So destroying. So awful. We need to bring forward all the good things instead. Every day.

*making the peace sign*

Unknown said...

great limmerick, as always Karen Jo!!
Peace to you!

Anonymous said...

Love and Peace to you and yours!

Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

Sending over peaceful *nose-licks* to you and the ones you love :-P

The Devil Dog said...

Mom says you are absolutely right. She says we have to stop thinking of ourselves but of the world as a whole. She prays we can do it.


Mimi Lenox said...

Yes, a necessity. Great post!

Thank you for blogging for peace today. Peace to you and yours...Dona Nobis Pacem ~ A Revolution Of Words

Thomma Lyn said...

What a beautiful peace globe, and I agree with your wise words.

Peace and love to you and yours!

MaoMao said...

What a superduper peace globe! Let there be peace!

Lux said...

I biggified it, Karen Jo, so I could read your true words. We all agree with you.

Love & peace,
Lux & family

Anonymous said...

Pax Vobiscum!

Bud Fisher said...

Well done! This day is unbelievable! Peace to you and your family…

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i luv yer peace globe and yer limerick.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Beautiful globe and thanks for your message of peace to the world Karen Jo.

My Peace Post

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Total agreement here.
Happy Blogblast for Peace Day...
Love from The Sherwood Bunch:
Missy Blue Eyes,
Faith Boomerang,
and Mommie ML

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Dearest KAren Jo,
We iz right wit you... & we sendz you love from our house yo yourzez... & healin' lights of peaz.
Dr Tweety & da Fab Five cats

Gretchen said...

Happy Peace Day to you, too.


zevo hussein calamari said...

We agree with you!!!!!!!!!!
peace love and pooses!

Travis Cody said...


Peace to you and yours!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Wonderful limerick and so true!

Peace to you and yours!