Friday, April 11, 2008


Molly is Shadow's sister and was rescued from the woods just a few days after he was, when she finally let the Mom catch her.  When she was brought to her new home, she was so glad to see her brother again that she cuddled up to him and gave him kitty kisses all over.  Molly is very attached to the Mom and loves to sleep with her, but she always goes onto the littlest girl's bed to cuddle with her each morning just before she gets up.  Molly got rather miffed when TT moved in and started sleeping with the Mom.  Now the two of them have learned to share and they both sleep with the Mom.  Molly is not happy that Fatty is moving in and spending more and more time in the apartment.  Molly is beginning to feel deprived of Mom-time.  Molly loves to play with toy mousies and catnip.  Molly had an adventure not long ago.  A little girl came to visit who doesn't close doors behind her.  The little girl left the apartment door open and Molly and Shadow went out the door to explore.  Shadow got spooked early on and went back in, but Molly went all the way down to the basement before she got spooked.  However, when Molly did get scared, she really got scared and didn't respond to her Mom and Dad calling her name or even rattling the treat box.  Finally, about 4:30 in the morning, the Mom told Fatty to go find Molly.  Fatty went down to the basement, where she spends most of her time, and chased Molly back up the stairs.  Once upstairs, Molly quickly found her way home and was back inside with her much relieved Mom and Dad by 5 that morning.

                                 Molly had a strong urge to roam.
                                 The door was open, so she left her home.
                                         She found dark and cold
                                         On her trip so bold,
                                  'Til Fatty chased her back to her home.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Molly has very special character, I am glad she is ok and save! Deal with brother and sister is not easy, but I think Molly is do it very good already~!!

Great Limericks for Molly, I enjoy reading it so much!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh yes, we remember when Molly was lost in the basement. Terrific limerick!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Thankyou for introducing these cute cats. We hope you are feeling better. SS says she can't help me blog and visit much in the next couple of weeks because she will be busy. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Good Morning , Karen Jo!!

Molly, oh, no!! That would've scared Mom half to death. We're glad Fatty chased her home!

Dma said...

good job fatty. that sounds like quite the incident. i like your limerick for molly.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Very cute limerick about Molly, I love the ones in the past posts as well.
Really cute. You ahve such a gift!

I hope you are feeling much better today. Mom takes allergy pills too and the nose spray. Spring allergies make her headachey and woozy.

purrrs for a happy week-end

PB 'n J said...

Molly should like Fatty for helping her get home! That was a great limerick, scary, but with a good ending!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Hello Shadow, how nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Karen Jo, I love that you have written such a great limerick for me (and for Shadow and even TT, too!).

I do not venture out the door anymore, it scares me too much. Besides Fatty is always there now and I do not like her so much.

I am glad you are feeling better now!

~ Molly ~

Anonymous said...

Awww, Molly is a beautiful kitty girl! And I love your limerick for her. I was outside when I was a stray kitty, but I don't miss it... I love it indoors. *smile*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

meemsnyc said...

Molly is a doll!

The Devil Dog said...

Thank goodness for Fatty. Molly is very cute, for a kitty. And very nice to check on the girls in the morning, too.
Hope the meds are working and you are feeling better.

Roxy & Lucky

Mickey's Musings said...

It is always nice to see how you capture the highlights of the cats in your limmericks! Great job on Molly :)
Purrs Mickey

The Cat Realm said...

A little escapist! Our humans hate it when they try to find us and we don't answer. Which I of course don't do. But Emil does!

Zinger said...

we are very glad you have some medicine and are feeling better :-)

And also very glad Molly came home, silly kitty

Miss Kitty, NFC said...

Hi Karen Jo, thank you for your comment on my blog. I've added you to my sidebar so my visitors can also enjoy the wonderful kitty limericks you are posting here....

Miss Kitty, Norwegian Forest Cat

PS: Momo (also on my sidebar) is another you know any others of us? Have you written an NFC limerick? Hint, hint!

Chrissie said...

I'm glad Miss Molly has Fatty around to keep her safe! Very nice limerick, Karen Jo!

Lux said...

I'm sure glad Molly was found safe & sound!