Here is
Percy doing his favorite thing -- eating. Percy, full name Sir Percival Sniffsalot, loved to eat and he did it every chance he got. He also liked to chew and would chew on anything he could get his teeth into -- cloth, plastic, wire, metal, wood. In November 2007 the Mom found him in the feeder cage at a pet store. That's the cage where they keep the rats or mice that are intended to be food for snakes or other big reptiles that people keep as pets. He was pretty banged up, missing a finger and a toe and with a broken tail. He had been returned as inedible. I guess he gave as good as he got to whatever tried to eat him. The Mom took him home, treated his wounds and put him in a small cage by himself to heal. He promptly chewed a hole in the cage big enough for him to escape through and showed it to the Mom, as if to say, "I can get out of here whenever I choose, so treat me right." Percy must have felt that he was being treated well because he stayed right up until last month when a bout of myco made him too miserable to stay any longer. He disliked being held, but loved pets and scritches. He had a very coarse coat that would never lie down flat. The Mom said she never saw another rat with a coat like his. He was truly unique and is being missed a lot.
There isn't anything Percy won't chew.
He could bite a wire right in two.
His life here is done;
He'll eat food by the ton
At the Rainbow Bridge, so we bid him adieu.
We love his name! Sir Percival Sniffsalot surely did give as good as he got. We're glad he was rescued from being food to be given food. Have fun at the bridge, Sir Percival Sniffsalot!
That was a very nice tribute to Sir Percy
He looks like he was a great hammie. So sad.
Awwww. Goodbye, Percy.
Percy, we knowz dat youz is whole, happie an' free eatin' lotz a' cheese at da Bridge! Bye-bye...
What a nice tribute to Percy. We hope you are well? FAZ
We were saddened to hear of the Loss of Percy and will go over there now and bring our condolences. Very nice and fitting tribute.
Percival looks like such a doll. Such an adorable little mousie.
Great limerick
I didn't know Percy, but he sounds very sweet! I'm purring for his family.
Sir Percy sounds like quite a character.Your limerick captured him very well.
Percy sounds vewy passable, even though he's a wat! I'm sure his famiwy must miss him a wot.
Percy was a smart guy! We is sorry he had to leave fer da bridge.
Percy sounds like a feller with a lot of spirit! You did a wunnerful tribute to him. Our purrs are with his fambly.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Arent all of Gods creatures just precious? Beautiful tribute Karen Jo.
PS-Thanks for all your support the past few weeks. Your warm thoughts and prayers really helped my family get through (and is still helping us get through) our trauma.
Sincerely and with love,
Jaime, Benson, gibson, Sasha and Theodore
A lovely name and a lovely poem. My condolences to the family! He seemed like a nice rat.
What a wonderful and unique rat! We are glad he found a loving home, and got a great limerick!
Thank you for coming to Bora Bora for Karl and Ruis' first anniversary! They sure appreciated that!
Mrs. OZ
Just found your blog. I think your limericks are pretty sweet. I might try writing a few for my boy Booba. Anyways, keep up the good work.
Very sorry to learn about Percy. Thanks for doing these wonderful memorial tributes as well as the other limericks for so many loved pets. Hope all has been going well. Take care :)
Karen Jo, I'm so sorry to hear about Sir Percy's passing. He sounds like one tough little rat -- with personality to spare! I'm so happy your mom helped him have the life that he deserved for the last year and a half. He sure pulled a good one with his inedibility! Way to go, Percy -- if you had to go you went on your own terms.
We're so glad he was rescued and had a wonderful forever home for the rest of his life. That is a really sweet limerick.
A giant and frisky rat. Would he have liked to visit me for a game, I wonder?
Vale Sir Percy!
Sweet, feisty Percy! What a great rat with such a great percynality! Your limerick does him justice Karen Jo :) xxx
P.S. I hope your work situation is okay. So much worry for so many people in this horrid recession.
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