Thanks to Zoolatry for the beautiful graphic. Dakota was a beautiful white Siberian Husky with ice-blue eyes. She was a kind and gentle dog with a big heart. She welcomed Phantom and Thunder when they were added to her family and, before she got sick with Cushing's Disease, romped with them and had loads of fun. She was a little sensitive about her tail and would get just a little ticked off if either of them tried to play with it, but other than that, it was all good playtime. Dakota also loved it when the grandkids came over, especially when it was time to eat. The little ones drop a lot of food and Dakota was always willing to clean it up. Every type of dog has their own special sound. With Siberian Huskies it is a sort of soft howl, called a woo. Dakota was the best woo-er of the family. The Cushing's Disease was making Dakota sicker and sicker and for the last few months, she mostly rested, though she still went for a short walk every day. The end came when she went out to do her business and apparently lost her footing and rolled down a shallow incline. This would have been nothing at all to a healthy dog, but the disease had caused her muscles to atrophy and she tore up a muscle. It would not heal without surgery, but the surgery itself would be very traumatic and painful to a dog in her condition and it would not buy her any more time, so her family made the incredibly painful, but merciful decision to help her to the Rainbow Bridge. She had almost twelve wonderful years with them. Dakota had lots and lots of friends in both the Cat Blogosphere and the Dog Blogosphere and is being missed terribly.
Dakota was a husky with loads of charm.
She was kind and gentle and never did harm.
When she went to the Bridge
There was a college
Of Siberian Huskies who woo-ed their alarm.
See you at the bridge, sweet Dakota!
There is never a good time to say good-bye to someone you love. You can be together for a thousand years and you would always wish for one more day. Dakota was dearly loved and treasured. I'm sure she's smiling at her family from the Bridge and thanking them for such a wonderful life.
Woo've made Mom's leaky eyes return...
That was sooo furry special...
Just like Dakota!
We meet so many friends here on your blog. We are only sorry that so many are tributes...
Aren't you just so sweet to post this for Dakota! Thank you so much. And yes she did not like her tail being messed with. You told her story to perfection. Mom loved your little ditty about her too.
Woos, the OP Pack
We never knew Dakota, but your tribute paints a lovely portrait, Karen Jo.
nice... dakata :D
what a beautiful girl.
Dakota sounds like a beautiful dog. We are sorry for her family, but are glad she is no longer in pain.
Sweet puppy.
Sweet puppy.
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