Whimpurr had decided that she needed to really cut down on her rescue work because it was so draining, both emotionally and financially. She still helps when she can and when she found out about Mr. Kitty, she just had to step in. The family had kept Mr. Kitty as an outside only cat and basically just gave him food and water, with minimal vet care, for two years. I guess they decided that they really didn't want him any more when Whimpurr offered to take him in. She did this because he reminded her so strongly of Dexter, a kitty who came before. Whimpurr named him Dexter Two and whisked him off to the vet for a checkup and treated him for fleas and ticks, as he had been outside his whole life. Things looked great for a week, then he got very sick. Off he went to the vet again and this time he was diagnosed with a tick-bourne disease that had basically destroyed his liver. He must have been suffering from the disease when Whimpurr took him in, but he appeared healthy and the vet missed it. It doesn't really matter, because it would have been to late to save him anyway. All this could have been prevented if his previous family had given him his monthly flea and tick prevention treatment. It is really heart-breaking, especially because he had been taken to the vet for tick problems before and I am sure that the vet told them about his needing regular treatments to prevent tick bites.
Dexter Two was sent to the Bridge by a tick.
It bit him and bit him and made him so sick.
He could have been spared
If his "owner" had cared.
Now he is gone and we are all heartsick.
Disturbing and sad loss of Dexter Two. Just stopped by to thank you for visit to my blog.
Confucius Cat aka Alley Mason
It's so very sad to read about Dexter Two, poor Lad. Life as an outdoor kitteh is a harsh one, and we know how quickly a liver disease can claim the life of a warm fuzzy critter.
We also stopped by to thank you for visiting the Royals this morning! We took more time than We expected to update with the latest news on Brutus and to celebrate his and his sisfur's Belated Gotcha Day! If you find a moment, stop by for a glimpse of photos with catitude.
Your blog is lovely! It's heartwarming, pretty to behold and just "fits" so well it's contributor!
Take care!
Peace Out!
Rose and the Jersey Fresh Royals
pee ess...thanks for the advice about zip files! We shall work on that!
We are so sad about Dexter Two, 'specially since it could have been avoided...purrs to everyone missing him so much....
This is so sad about Dexter Two. It's just so hard to imagine him not getting the simple flea/tick treatment would have saved him. We are so glad Whimpurr brought him in and gave him the care and love he needed.
This is a terrible story. I hope others read it and take warning.
So many obituary posts to do. It must be draining. But you do them so well! A nice tribute to Dexter 2.
That is a wonderful but sadly true tribute to Dexter 2--sigh.
Very nice, truthful tribute to a beautiful boy who shouldn't have had his life cut short.
That is a very sad story. If only the owners had cared, but apparently they were not interested. I wonder what they would do if their own doctor treated them like that.
That was so sad!! We do hope it reminds other owners not to do that! Thank you for a lovely tribute to Dexter Two!! Purrrs and hugs to Whimpurr!
Your FL furiends,
It's is always so darned sad when something so simple could save a life. Keeping kittiez inside also helps ta keep those awful ticks offa' dem too!
We are sorry ta hear about Dexter Two...
Very sad to learn that Dexter Two had to go to the rainbow bridge owing to a preventable ailment. Hope most pet owners are not as careless with their furbabies as those of Dexter two.
We are so sorry to hear about Dexter 2. Oh, we never heard about this terrible disease.
Oh Karen Jo, I don't know how you do it! You have such a caring heart.
Dexter Two sure was a beautiful boy. I'm sure he knew he was loved.
Take care hon.
Very sad, Dexter looks like my late brother Ivan, a beautiful Maine Coon loving brother who had a heart attack and died in our entry way. I was crushed. That's how I ended up with 3 sisters, Sascha, Gracie and Zoe. Your new friend Brian.
yeah..that was so wonderful..
a beautiful boy..:)
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