Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Isn't he just stunning? I am so glad that I found Dragonheart's blog. I used to think that Sphynx cats were rather bizarre, but Dragonheart has taught me that they are just as cute and cuddly as any other cat. I have learned a lot about the breed from his blog and I am grateful for the opportunity to correct my misconceptions.

                                    Dragonheart has nimble toes,
                                    Frootbat ears and the cutest nose.
                                               He doesn't have fur,
                                               But that doesn't deter
                                   Him from striking an Egyptian pose.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh, I love this limerick! :) Thanks so much for composing such a terrific poem for me! :) It's awesome. :)

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

What a great limerick. It suits him purr-fectly.

Ingrid said...

I don't understand the word "limerick" but suppose it must be a description or a poeme, because in the dictionary it's a town in Irland, lol !
Anyway it's very nice what you wrote about Dragonheart, I did him some honor too, because I made a picture of an Egyptian cat statue which I bought in Egypt together with my cat Arthur. The statue really looks like Dragonheart !

Daisy said...

He does have nimble toes! Everyone loves Dragonheart, he is such a cutie.

sammawow said...

What a perfect description of Dragonheart being Egyptian!

China Cat & Willow

Anonymous said...

I love Dragonheart too.
this is a superb limerick!

Myst and Blackie said...

Oh, great limerick.... we love Dragonheart - he is so cute. We didn't know anything about Sphynx before we started reading his blog

LZ said...

I really like this limerick but I really like Dragonheart too. Thanks for doing these limericks, they are so much fun!!


Anonymous said...

Dragonheart congratulations on being honored with a limerick!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I love your limericks!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh this is great!!!!

Karen Jo said...

You're welcome, Dragonheart. I am so glad that you like it.

DKM said...

Wow - perfection!

Lux said...

what a wonderful limerick - it so describes Dragonheart!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

"deter" .... "jeter"
laffin an laffin!
a grate limerick fer one uv mi favrit catz!

Rascal said...

Excellent limerick! You did Dragonheart proud.

Tara said...

That was just a wonderful limerick for Dragonheart! Fits him perfectly! Tara