Max was the first kitty blogger that I found (through the Mows) and I enjoyed reading his blog immensely. Then I followed his links to Oreo and Timothy Dickens and found more and more links to follow. What followed that was the most fun I have ever had online. Here's to Max, a cat with real Catitude.
There's a great Psychokitty named Max,
Who's too snarky to stretch and relax.
Make him mad if you dare;
He'll barf balls of hair
On your shoes or your pillow, will Max.
You can find a link to Max's blog on my sidebar, if you are not already familiar with him.
How cute. Another neat limerick.
That's Max awright!
Heehee, fits Max just right!
great limerick!
I am so glad that you are enjoying my limericks. They are a lot of fun for me to write.
A blogger who's named Karen Jo,
Is a wonderful lady we know,
Who decided to rhyme
About kitties sublime;
And her words, how they make us glow!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Rocky & the ArtsyCatsy staff
We likes your limericks! Happy Valentine's Day!
purrfect! and Happy Valentine's Day to you!
That's the bestest limerick fur Max! It fits him purrfectly.
My essense has been totally captured!
Thanks, Max. That means a lot to me.
That's funny! I love it!
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