Miles lives with his brother Sammy. They are now a two cat family since Norton and Trixie went to the Bridge. They get along pretty well, though Sammy claims all the toys and Miles claims all the ham. Their blog is called Meezer Tails and I love reading it. This limerick is about a burning desire Miles has.
Meezer Miles wants to walk on the ceiling.
He yearns for Velcro with feeling.
With strips on ceiling and walls
And cool shoes on the balls
Of his feet, he'll race 'cross the ceiling.
Another great Limerick! It would be a lot of fun to walk on the walls and ceiling. :)
Wow, I want to walk on ceilings! Neat limerick! I was so busy last night, I forgot to mention the limerick you wrote me on my blog, so I did just now!
Oh how kyooot!! If we walked on the ceiling, then there would be more sq. ft. per poodin here.
Luf, Us
You've captured Mile's goals perfectly. I really hope some day he can walk on the ceiling. Then he can tell the rest of us how to do it.
OH MY GOSH!!!!!! it's about ME today!!!!!!!!!! MOOOOOOOOMMMMMM, please print this out and save it??? oh Karen Jo, fank you so much, it's so wonderful!!! - Miles
I want to walk on the ceilings too!
You are very welcome, Miles. I'm glad you liked it.
these are so fun! if we kitties could walk on the ceilings, there would be no stopping us. ha ha ha. then forty paws would be more like fifty paws, or sixty paws!
I like Miles.
I like this limerick too.
You are really good.
sometimes I lie on the floor and wonder what it would be like to live in an upside down house :o)
That is the purrrfect limerick for Miles. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
Hi Karen Jo! What a great idea for a site!!
Karen Jo
Yu wrote da purrfect limerick furr Miles. Yu captured him so well.
I want to SEE Miles walk on the cieling.
In fact, I'd pay good money to see it.
Or I'd give kitty crack. Cash and kitty crack.
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