First a brief Mom update: she continues to improve and was moved from the Cardiac Unit to a regular hospital room today. I still don't know when she's coming home, but she is definitely on the mend. Thank you again for all your good wishes, purrs and prayers.
K. C. rates two pictures -- one so you can see her pretty face and one to go with the limerick. K. C. is the oldest cat in the house at about 13. She belonged to her Dad before her Mom and Dad got married. She has adapted to the addition of two rowdy boys into her peaceful world, but sometimes she doesn't appear to be thrilled with it. K. C. is completely deaf and has the loudest meow the Mom has ever heard. She uses it a lot and it gets her rapid attention. She also collects a lot of dirt in her fur and her Mom can't figure out how. She never goes outside, but when she lies in one spot for any length of time, she leaves behind a bit of dirt along with her fur. That was why the Mom was not terribly thrilled to find K. C. sleeping in her sweater drawer. K. C. was allowed to finish her nap, but now the Mom keeps that drawer closed. K. C. naps a lot, but she has been getting a bit more playful lately. She was recently spotted chasing her own tail.
K. C. found an open drawer.
She napped in it to her Mama's horror.
She shed fur all over
The sweaters to cover.
Now her Mom always shuts her drawer.