Today I'm starting on the Terrible Tortie Twins, as their Mom calls them. I chose this picture of Holly because it shows off her thumbs. Holly has extra toes on her front feet and she really knows how to use them. She can open cabinet doors and drawers with them and she has learned how to turn doorknobs, as well. She hasn't yet figured out how to push or pull the door open while turning the knob, though. Holly and Ivy were dumped off near a highway one winter near Christmas. The Mom's cousin found them and took them in. They were half-starved and very bedraggled-looking, but still very playful. The Mom was thinking of adopting a kitty at the time because she missed having cats around and Loki, a woofie, needed a playmate. The Mom decided to adopt both Holly and Ivy as soon as she saw them. They turned out to be a real handful. There is no end to the mischief they get into. However, they both took to Loki very quickly and Loki likes them, too. They are three-and-a-half now. Holly has found out that banging cabinet doors at 3am will get her attention. She doesn't really like to sleep on the bed with Mom, Tybalt and Ivy unless it is very cold. She does like to pat her Mom's face to wake her up, but will run away if her Mom picks her up and puts her on the bed. Holly loves to snuggle with the woofies (there are two in the house now). It seems that woofies make great pillows.
Holly's a tortie who has lots of toes.
They work like thumbs and she knows
How to open the doors
To the shelves where Mom stores
The kittycat treats. She wants some of those.
Nothing likes a Terriblle Torti to show us how it's done! Holly's toesies are furry cute too.
That's a good skill to be able to open the drawers. You can get your own treats then.
Ooh, Holly... can you come here and open our treat drawer?
HeeHee! That was a great limerick for Holly!
Hahahahaha!!! That is a great limmerick for Holly! Those thumbs sure come in handy :)
Purrs Mickey
that is a great limmerick for Holly. is wish i had thumbs.
Holly, how can you be a terrible torti? All tortis are wonderful!
I wish I had extra toes, just like Holly!
Great one for Holly, a very popular girl kitty as her friends are always wanting to learn how to open doors and drawers that contain treats.
Tha limerick is so much fun to read with the run on endings and the stop in the last sentence! Love it!
That must be neat to have a lot of toes!
Happy Mother's Day. We figure you are the mother of limericks so you deserved the sentiment.
What a great story and a fabulous limerick.
Roxy & Lucky
I think I need some extra toes for playing with toys....where can I buy extra toes?
holly is cool - i wish i had thumbs...
i can't imagine woofies could be great pillows... Big Dumb Puppy seems pretty useless! well except for helping mum plant the bunny veggie garden... but i didn't admit that!
Oh, Karen Jo! A limerick just for me! I feel very special. I am going to make Tybalt put a link to this up on his blog. You know so much about us all! I am very impressed. Purrs and headbutts to you, and if you ever need a cabinet opened in the early morning, let me know. I'm just the tortie for the job!
PS: I forgot to sign, silly me!
Oh a special limerick just for Holly, it's wonderful!
I love Holly's paws. My brothers can open doors together, but Holly is special (and pretty too). She and her sister are very special friends of mine - thank you.
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