Diamond Emerald-Eyes requested a limerick for Chase, so here it is. I read Chase's whole blog, but never found out whether she is a ladycat or he is a mancat. The only other Chase I know is a mancat, so I will opt for using "he" as a pronoun to refer to Chase. UPDATE: I found out, with a lot of help in the comments, that Chase is a ladycat, so I have changed all the "he"s to "she"s. Thank you everyone. This is a picture of Chase napping in the car. She loves to go for car rides and often naps in the car. Chase is a very special kitty. When she was around four months old, she was hit by a car. A very nice man took her to a vet clinic and left some money to help pay for her expenses. Chase ended up losing a hind leg and, due to the trauma of the accident, her eyelids, nose and all the skin on her face just sloughed off. Plastic surgery was tried twice, but didn't work. Chase's face may look raw, but it is just tissue and she is in no pain. Melissa had just started working at the vet clinic when Chase was brought in and she became her patient. She would take her home with her at night and on the weekends, so she wouldn't be lonely. Melissa ended up adopting Chase because she just fell in love with her. Because she has no nose, Chase has no sense of smell, so she tastes things to learn more about them. She has a kitty brother and two doggy sisters. She would love to groom all of them, but Zooey, her kitty brother, doesn't like it, so Chase mostly grooms the dogs. Because she has no eyelids, Chase must have drops put in her eyes several times a day. She also likes to nap in dark places, like under the bed. She has discovered that under the covers, curled up against her mom is the very best place to sleep. Chase has recently joined Paws for Friendship and is now a therapy cat. She loves going out and meeting new people and other therapy pets. She has the cutest pink harness with little angel wings on it to wear on her trips.
Chase really likes to ride in the car.
It means she will meet new friends near and far.
She's in Paws for Friendship
And feels a kinship
To the people and pets she meets near and far.
Awwwww, Chase is an incredible kitty -- she is a girl. *smile* But you wrote an adorable limerick for her, and you captured so well her sweet, courageous, and adventurous spirit. We Ballicai and our beans just love sweet Chase. She is an inspiration!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Chase is a furry speshull little kitty, and she is doing furry good work as a therapy kitty.That is a furry nice limerik furr her.
Chase stole my heart as soon as I read about her!
She's a wonderful kitty! We loved reading her story.
Chase is a lady cat. It's on her blog on the front page on the left paw side under "About me", which hidden under the chatt box. But that's okay. And that's a great limerick for a really wonderful kitty!
Yeah, she's a lady cat but even she admits it's hard to tell cuz usually Chase is a mancat name. She is furry inspirational and brave. We find her beyootiful!
Yeah I do love Chase, quite an amazing cat! Marilyn is correct about her being a girl kitty but I'm highly flattered you decided on "he" because I'm obviously a very manly Chase.
Chase is a girl~pearl. We love her. she is so cute and floooofy and we are so glad that God said "nope, not yet" to her. She is an angel on Earth! and an inspiration, her beans too. they love her!
Chase is amazing little cat! What a sweet limerick.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Cahse is one amazing kitty and we are so glad that we are met and became friends with her! Great limerick!
That is a very nice limerick for Chase.
A wonderful limerick for an amazing kitty!
Chase is an inspiration to all kitties! We're so glad you wrote this beautiful limerick for him.
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
Chase is a very special kitty. A gift from god to show us what is really important!
Very nice limerick. Poor Chase. What a life experience he had. You are so kind to write him a limerick all his own.
Chase truly is an inspiration to everyone, cat, woofie or bean. I think he must have a very special spirit in him/her. I think Chase could be my friend easily.
We just met Chase the other day. She's very special. Proof again that everything happens for a reason.
Luf, Us
Chase is wonderful and so very brave. She touched our hearts right away. Great Limerick and it fits her perfectly.
Your FL furiends,
I love the limerick you write for Chase.
Maybe she was hit by car, but it's really meaning she will have more friends not so far :)
it's a very sweet post and introduction for her~!
great limerick as usual. i love how our furry friends teach us so much about overcoming adversity.
Chase is an amazing kitty.Great Limerick Karen Jo :)
Chase is one cool kitty... thanks so much.
wow kj,
chase izza grate cat.
i am in awe.
ps--can u get rid uv dat nasty comment above mine.
sum peepul.
We Ballicai love Chase -- she is such a precious, beautiful and inspirational girl. And your limerick for her is aborable, KJ!
Floofy headbonks and rumbly purrs from Brainball.
Chase is, bar none, one of the rockin'-est girlcats I know! I love her very much, and my brothers, sister, and I are honored to be her friend.
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.
KJ, yur site is one of the sweetest sites onna innernets -- your blog and the Cat Blogosphere is a place of caring and sweetness and we focus on what's really impawtant -- love and sharing. that's what life's about, and we kitties know that and that's one of the many things our beans love about us and honor in us.
I love yur limmerick fur Chase -- she is a dear and preshus kitty girl and us Ballicai and Momma have loved her from the time we met her on her bloggie.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Yes Arthur's tail is healed but it doesn't stand up as before the top is still falling down to his back. But that doesn't disturb anybody, lol ! (Especially not Rosie)
I saw that your blog has a "College" level, I did this test just this morning and believe it or not, but my blog is "Genius", lol (but this was for my main blog) I have never been a genius in my whole life !!
Thanks for such a WONDERFUL poem about me. You are too sweet!
Your furry Friend!
Karen Jo,
Someone took a photo of Chase and posted it somewhere, saying mean things about her, which is very upsetting to her loved ones.
And right above Chase's post on that subject is a link to your limerick for her.
So, aside from the fact you have captured the essence of Chase and how much that sweet cat is loved, your timing for posting this seems to be impeccable. They really needed their spirits lifted over there.
Jan's Funny Farm residents
This limerick captures your spirit beautifully, Chase! AAAaah, your floofiness is therapy, too!
We just heard about Chases limerick and came right over. We agree that you did a wonderful job of describing our girlfriend Chase. It's amazing that she's a therapy cat. What good she can do to show where beauty really is.
Great limmerick for a sweet kitty! We all love Chase.
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