Writing about Gemini and Georgia reminded me of two other cats who have been neglected. I wrote about Prince Muddy Paws last July, but never wrote about the two other cats who live with him. This is Myst, a tiny shaded silver Persian. Terry (the Mom) says that Myst is the smallest Persian she has ever seen. Myst has never been the healthiest of cats and that is one of the reasons Terry adopted him. She felt that he needed a good home, so he would be well taken care of. Last spring he started getting one urinary tract infection after another and was acting a bit grumpy, which wasn't really like him. Finally the vet found that he had two kidney stones, which were surgically removed last July. It took Myst a while to recover from the surgery and a bit of an adverse reaction to the antibiotic he was on afterwards, but now he is more active than he had been in a year. He is healthier than he has been in a long time and is feeling really good. Myst has always had a lot of fire in his personality and it is really showing up now. Not too long ago the neighbor's dog, who is about ten times Myst's size, got out of his yard and came over to look through the storm door. Myst let out a screech that brought Terry and Muddy running to see what was the matter and there was Myst, threatening the life of this big dog, tail puffed up and all his fur standing out. Myst also thinks that he should be the Alpha cat, though Dandelion fills that position, being the oldest and biggest cat in the house. Every once in a while, Myst challenges Dandelion, but Dandelion doesn't have any trouble rolling Myst over. Myst and Muddy chase each other all over the house and pounce on each other all the time. Myst also loves to be brushed. Anytime he sees that Muddy is getting brushed, Myst jumps up to get in on the action. Myst's favorite place to sleep in on the computer monitor, until he gets too warm, then he claims Terry's favorite chair. Myst will also lie or sit in front of the storm door for hours, watching the world go by. He especially likes to watch the leaves blowing by in the fall. Myst is a great bug hunter and will pounce on any bug that gets into the house, if Muddy doesn't spot it first.
Myst is a tiny cat full of fire.
To be top kitty is his desire.
He's always tryin'
To best Dandelion,
But Dandelion always thwarts his desire.
Myst is a very handsome kitty! And I remember when he scairt that big dog away. That was funny.
That's a great story. Myst is such a beeutiful cat we're happy to hear that he's so full of spunk and fire now. Sooooo cute.
We liked hearing about Myst, and are so happy that he is feeling much, much better. We smiled when we read he was ready to take on that big dog ! Though he is such a small kitty, he lots of courage....oh and is very handsome too.
Myst looks like he has a moostache.
Wow!! Thank you for writing about Myst. Now he is all puffed up with pride and claims the food bowl before I can get close to it, knowing he is such a famous feline. :D *purrs to you*
Myst, I am very glad that I assisted another cat get recognized with a fine limerick!
Another great Limericks. I hope your bog wins award. I vote for it twice every day.
Myst is a very beautiful kitty! I'm glad he found such a lovely forever home that takes good care of him. Another great limerick!
he's a cutie and what a handsome moustache he has!
Dis iz a furry nice cat. I yam glad dat da story iz a happy ending. & I yam also furry happy to meet you!
-Dr Tweety
Aw, Myst is very pretty and sounds like he's fun, too!
Myst is beautiful!! And great eye-make-up.;)
Mommie Marlene once had a shaded silver Persian (decades ago).
PS - Shaded silver and Chinchilla Persians are often a little smaller than other colored Persians.
Myst is beautiful, and i am very partial to mustache's :)
What a handsome boy!
how cute is Myst??? look at that face :)
Myst is very very very handsome~!!! I am so honored to know him~!
Myst is quite handsome for a little guy! We're glad his stones were removed and he is healthy now.
Luf, Us
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