Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Help, Please

I have been having a pretty rough time lately. Yesterday I went to the dentist to get a small cavity filled and have a sore tooth looked at. The dentist couldn't find the cavity, but the sore tooth (a molar) was cracked right through and infected. It had to be pulled and it came apart, so the dentist had to dig for the roots. I feel terrible. I am not in any real pain, just a general feeling of exhaustion and malaise. I have always had a terrible time putting my Peace Globe together and I just can't do it myself in time. Would some kind soul do it for me? Here is my globe:

Here is my picture that I always use:
Here is my limerick:

Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Covet not his goods or pelf.
Be willing to share
To show that you care,
And Peace will come, all by itself.

If some kind soul could just put them all together and e-mail me the finished product to: nyctolopsATvlaDOTcom I would be very grateful.


Motor Home Cats said...

Karen Jo, we wish we could help, but Mom doesn't know printshop, or she would help you in an instant. We really hope that you feel better. We are purring for you.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oh no... our mummy is feeling SO sorry for you right now, she has had tooth trouble in the past and knows how bad it is... when do you need your globe for? Mummy says she'll help if it can wait for a couple of days, she can't do it today...

The Monkeys said...

We hope you're feeling better soon! Tooth work is never fun.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Miss Karen Jo- our the mom can do it this afternoon - can you please send us your email? our is themeezers AT gmail DOT com.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

It must be this time of year--the Woman hasn't even had dental work and was wishing she could get someone to do ours... she finally go it. Purrs. I hope you feel better from your tooth (they always just pull mine...)

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Bless the Meezers for doing it for you.....we hope you feel much better soon.


The Meezers or Billy said...

Miss Karen Jo - our the mom did it and we emailed it to you. we hopes that it's ok.

we hopes that you feels better soon!!!

Daisy said...

Hooray for the Meezer Mom!

The Devil Dog said...

Definitely hooray for Meezer Mom. My mom is terrible when it comes to things like this.
We hope you feel better real soon. There is nothing worse than a dentist digging around for a root. Ouch!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sendin one too. We're not good at it, but mebbe its OK...

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Oh noooooooooo, that sounds terrible. I hope you are not in too much pain. The mom is sending her best wishes too. Take it easy. You poor dear.

La pandilla said...

:( esperamos te recuperes prontito
Son tan terribles los dolores dentales :( cuidate y que estes muyyyy bien pronto

Anita said...

I would like to be able to help you but I do not know use the photoshop. I hope that you feel better today. You also deserve your own limerick, hehe.

Purrrrs to you.

GLOGIRLY said...

Hi Karen Jo,
I know it's kind of late in the day, but I just emailed you a Peace badge with your beautiful limerick. I hope you like it.

Peace to you, dear.


Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

Loved the limerick...

Meow said...

:) thanks for dropping by ma space.. Here is a cat blog for you :)


she is from netherlands ... get in touch :)

Peace be with you :)

Meow :)

Debra said...

So sorry about the dental trouble. Hope you are feeling better by now. A belated Happy Peace Day to you and yours!