Monday, February 2, 2009


Lilly Lu asked me to do a limerick for her little brother, Maxwell, for his second birthday, which is today. Happy Birthday, Maxie! Maxwell's full name is Maxwell Mufsa Million. He was rescued by a vet tech, who asked for someone to take him in. A well-meaning lady, who didn't know much about fostering, took him in, but he was shut up in a bathroom with six other cats. Someone also sent a picture of him to Mom Laura, who fell in love with him at once. Mu Shue, who was very sick at this time, jumped off the couch to come see the picture and give his approval. Mu Shue went to the Rainbow Bridge on July 21st and Maxwell moved in on August 2nd. The introductions went very well indeed. There was no hissing or growling at all. Iris took to him right away and they were playing together within minutes. Lilly Lu decided to ignore him at first, but soon came over to sniff him over. Maxwell was afraid of Lilly Lu at first, but now they get along pretty well. Lilly Lu has whapped Maxwell a couple of times for lying on her Gizzy quilt or in the pong chair. At first Mom Laura was told that Maxwell was four years old, but it turns out that he was just a few days short of being one and a half. Maxwell loves to play with toys and adores nip. He also loves to play with Iris. Maxwell is part Maine Coon and maybe that explains his fondness for water. He will try to get in the shower with Mom Laura or in the tub or in the twins' little tub. He likes to splash the water from the drinking fountain all around. Iris and Maxwell usually have a rousing game of chase all around the apartment at two or three in the morning.

                                          Iris is the one Maxwell loves to chase.
                                          All around the apartment they race.
                                                Three AM is the time
                                                That they find sublime.
                                           Iris will run and Maxie will chase.


Black Cat said...

Isn't he just gorgeous?! Very funny and sweet limerick! I wonder if Laura manages to get any sleep what with having babies to attend to and cats playing chase! :) xxx

Dma said...

i can understand why maxwell was afraid of lilly lu who seemed to have laid down the law pretty clearly.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Hello Maxwell. It's so nice to meet you!

Parker said...

He's such a handsome boy!

The Devil Dog said...

Hi Maxwell. What a great limerick. What a great job you did of capturing his spirit.


Anonymous said...

Maxie is furry handsome mancat.

L. Alida said...

Oh what a beautiful mancat! Toeshee is part Maine Coon too and he loves to play in water just like Max. Your limerick for him is so cute!
Thank you for thinking of Billie. My poor girl is starting to feel lots better.
Gentle Hugs,

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Happy Birthday to Maxwell! He is a good kitty and I am so glad that he found mom Laura

This is a cute limerick

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Maxwell,
it's very very nice to meet you!

Piggy and Grover said...

Maxwell is a beautiful cat! SO much FLUFF. I like his limerick - very cute. I am so glad that Maxwell found a good loving home with your family. What a lucky guy!

Boy n Beethoven said...

Yay! I is going over to wish Maxwell happ purrthday now!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday.

What a beautiful cat! I have an orange cat but the coat is not as beautiful.
