Wednesday, September 5, 2007


This is Blade of The Zoo as a kitten.  He is the one standing up.  The other two kitties are Shawn and Rocky.  He looks just the same now, but bigger.  Blade, named after the Wesley Snipes character in the movie of the same name,  got his name because he scratched up the Mom pretty good when she tried to catch him the first time.  It took several months to catch him.  He was orphaned near the Dad's office when his mother was hit by a car.  The people from the office fed him, but he wouldn't let anyone get near him for quite some time.  The Mom finally caught him and took him to his forever home.  He is still quite a fighter.  He knows perfectly well that Snowy is the Alpha Cat, but Blade wants to be the Alpha.  He is always starting rumbles in the hall and annoying the other cats.  Every once in a while, Snowy smacks him down, just to show him who is really the boss.  Blade likes his cat food just fine, but he really loves chicken.  He has been known to steal whole pieces of chicken if they are left unattended for even a very short time.  The Mom usually gives him a bite of chicken when she is cooking, but one time the chicken was still very hot from being cooked.  She warned him, but Blade wouldn't listen.
                                              Blade got some chicken that was too hot.
                                              It burned his mouth, so he spit it out.
                                                                He whapped it around
                                                                Until it cooled down,
                                              Then he ate the chicken, 'cause he likes it a lot.



Christine and FAZ said...

This is good, I hope Blade has learnt his lesson though about eating food that's too hot. FAZ

ZOOLATRY said...

We do so-soooooooooo enjoy your kitty limericks! Thank you!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Fantasstic limerick.
Blade is gorgeous and smart too!

sammawow said...

That was a good Blade & chicken limerick! We love chicken too!

Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Daisy said...

It is very wrong to eat chicken that is too hot. I think your limerick will help prevent some other cats from making that mistake.

Anonymous said...

What a great limerick about Blade and hot chicken! And it's an important lesson, too, about waiting for food to cool down before you eat it, *giggle*.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

What a funny kitty! Blade sounds like a real scrapper. And he sounds like a cute scrapper too. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

Anonymous said...

Those limericks are a stitch. Poor kitty who ate the hot food. Whooaaa. Bet he learned.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Yumm I loves chickens too!

Lux said...

Chicken's one of my favorite things, too - I'm so sorry Blade burned his mouth on it!

Yay for the limerick!

christy said...

We loves your limericks! They're so funny.

xo-Pippin & Turtle

Boy said...

A gweat way to cool down chicken meat for sure! I must wemember it when I get food that's too hot!

Gattina said...

Lovly limerick ! Arthur also could kill somebody for chicken and if it's unwatched he would jump in the plate. Rosie learned to eat it too but prefers fish.
BTW Arthur is not jalous about the friendly black cat ! He is his friend too, so he watches or even plays with them. Arthur's only worries in life are food and nap places and he prefers the once where he disturbes the most, neighbor beds included !

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

We never eat too hot food~!!!

Blade is really really cute.

Anonymous said...

Ooh! More kitties for the Gigolo to have nookie with!

He is back and handing them out again:)

DaCraftyLady said...

ohhh Meowww Meowww love those ,,watch out for that hot food there Blade..

The Furry Fighter said...

blade sounds cool :)
my brother one stole the Christmas salmon from the sideboard - he didn't even eat it, just flicked and flinging it around the hallway!

The Devil Dog said...

Lucky & I love your limmericks, we really do. Once, dad put all the groceries on the floor and mom went downstairs to do laundry. She was at it a while, and when she came up, she caught me with a chicken leg. She wasn't very happy with dad. Or me either.

The Devil Dog said...

AAAAACCCCKKKK! Mom spelled limericks wrong. *Sigh* Mom must be tired because she usually spells better than that.

Gretchen said...

I think you're just about the sweetest bean I know, besides my mom bean, that is, and I wanted you to have this award. Please come by and get it.
