Faz the Cat found her forever home after her original owner got too sick to care for her any more. She is now a very happy cat in Wimbledon with lots of outdoor space to explore and mice to catch. She has a nemesis in Hefty Tabby who once sat outside her cat flap and wouldn't let her out to do her business. She finally had to go down a drain inside the house. Braer Fox also causes some consternation when he invades her garden. She got a little hefty herself and had to go on a diet. She has lost some weight, but she supplements her diet crunchies with mice, which she calls LLMs, or Luscious Little Mice. Faz is very good at catching them and likes to bring them inside to munch. She is not the most fastidious of diners and sometimes leaves her leftovers around for the people to find. This does not make her very popular, but she is always forgiven in the end.
Faz the Cat is a very good mouser.
She brings LLMs into the house-er.
She dines in peace
On her little meece,
But the humans wish she would eat out of the house-er.