Saturday, January 16, 2010


I have been researching a kitty who won't talk to me yet, so I decided to write a limerick for the kitty I know best.  Herman was born on June 3, 2007 and went to his first home.  His first family kept him inside and took pretty good care of him, but they never got him vaccinated or neutered.  Then they moved away and gave Herman to their neighbors.  The neighbors never got him vaccinated or neutered, either.  They decided that they were allergic to him and instead of taking him to the shelter, they just tossed him out in the back yard, though they did continue to feed him and give him water.  Evidently, Herman got into lots of fights with intruder cats and by the time the neighbors finally did take him to the shelter in May 2009, he had  both FeLV and FIV.  A very nice foster lady took him in and got him neutered and got him a lion cut for the awful mats he had developed while he was living outside.  I found out about him in November and adopted him on November 16th.  We knew that we were right for each other the first time we met.  Herman is full of fun and love and is eager to share it all with me.  He likes to watch the birds from his platform and play with his toys, especially any kind of ball.  He is quite a soccer player.  He thinks that water is strictly for drinking and doesn't want anything else to do with it.  He loves to eat and has put on some weight since he moved in with me.  He sleeps with me every night and curls up right next to me for some pre-sleep scritches.  I fall asleep listening to him purr.  He doesn't wake me up in the morning, but if he sees my eyes open, he wants his breakfast.  He has started tickling the end of my nose with his toehawks to let me know that he knows that I am awake.

                               Herman's as frisky as can be,
                               Though he  has FeLV and FIV.
                                           He tickles my nose
                                           With the floof 'tween his toes,
                               Which means, "I want my breakfast, MommIEE!"


Parker said...

What a wonderful limerick for your wonderful boy!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

What a great limerick for your sweet boy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We know fur sure...that Herman loves you too, we can see in on this beautiful face!

One Cats Nip said...

Limerick bursting at the seams with love!!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

You and Herman are both very blessed because you found each other. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jasmim said...

Herman is so lovely!

Angel Simba said...

I am so glad that his time of leading the rough life did not make Herman leery of good people like you. He seems like a real love. I do the same in the mornings - I do not wake my folks, but as soon as Mom's feet hit the floor, I run straight for the kitchen.

Lovely Limerick for Herman.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Herman! You got your own limerick!!! YEAH

Christine and FAZ said...

What a fantastic story with such a happy ending and a wonderful tribute limerick too. FAZ

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



Anya said...

Very touching story from Herman
(Its a real Dutch name btw ;)

Have all a relaxing weekend

Kareltje =^.^=

Ingrid said...

Poor little Herman ! what a past ! I think you are both happy now to have found each other !
It's so easy to get used to the purrs while you fall asleep. I always miss it when I am away !
I have to catch up a little on your blog !

Dma said...

herman sounds like a very cool boy.

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a cutie. So glad you have Herman, Karen Jo!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Herman is very handsome. We are so glad he found a wonderful home with you. Thanks for stopping by our blog.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Milo and Alfie said...

Awwww ... we love that Herman has yoo, and yoo has Herman. And that's a sweet lymerick.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I like Herman. He is a very handsome big boy and I am super happy that you and Herman are together finally!!!
YOu two make a great team!!

The Devil Dog said...

LOVE IT! That is an awesome limerick for the cat love of your life. Herman is such a cutie, we love him as well.

Roxy & Lucky

meowmeowmans said...

What a handsome man cat Herman is! And that was a great limerick for your new pal. :)

caspersmom said...

I'm glad that you honored Herman with his own great limerick, he certainly deserves it. He's had a tough first start in life but I'm glad the two of you met and are enjoying each other's company. Mom gets mad when I wake her up during the night. She has threatened to ban me from the bedroom. She hasn't yet.


Puddin said...

I like this limerick alot!! Don't get bogged down with everything you have to do. Your furriends will understand if you can't post as often as before. :)


Milo and Alfie said...

We are so glad that yoo and Herman are together ~ and now Herman is loved and adored. He is gorjuss ~ thank yoo for taking care of him.

You might like to read BWO on our blog (look for the page link at the top of our blog) ~ it's all about blogging when you feel like it and not out of obligation. (Blogging Without Obligation) ~ you can help yourself to a BWO logo if yoo like, to remind yoo.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

At last - I have been on the lookout for this one. Hello, gorgeous Herman!