Here is
Nitro waiting for his chance to sip some of Mom's coffee. She puts cream in it and he can't resist. In fact, Nitro likes just about any kind of human food. He has been spritzed with a water sprayer, knocked on the head with knuckles, been rapped on the noggin with a spoon and he still goes for the food whenever he thinks he has the slightest chance of grabbing some. This is one of the reasons that his Mom insists that the S stands for Stubborn. One very wet and rainy day, a friend of the girlbean found Nitro in a dumpster and took him home to be friends with her woofie. That didn't work out at all well, as it was loathing at first sight for both of them. Then the girlbean took him to live with her and the boybean and their two kitties. That didn't work out, either, as Nitro kept beating up the other two kitties, so he came to live with Mom and Dad. There was a bit of a ruckus at first, but now things are pretty calm among the kitties and woofie. Nitro likes to wrestle Edmund, but Edmund soon tires of the game and finishes the match by sitting on Nitro. Nitro also likes to chase Xing Lu around, but the Mom usually comes and intervenes when Xing starts really yelling. Cocoa the dog really likes Nitro and often gives him a bath. Nitro likes to tease Cocoa by sitting on the foot of the recliner and swatting at her when she goes by. Nitro's favorite toys are catnip mice and feather toys. He once caught a real mouse in the kitchen. He ate everything but the tail, which he presented to Mom while she was still in bed.
Nitro stalks the human food.
He hopes his folks don't see him intrude.
When ravioli is near,
He sings loud and clear.
Nitro really loves the human food.
Nitro sounds like a very fun kitty to have around!
Drinking mom's coffee? Mouse breakfast in bed?
What an inspiration!!
Purrs Goldie
Hi ya, Nitro! It's nice to meet you! You sound like fun!
hello karen jo its dennis the vizsla dog hay nitro sownds a lot like tucker wen it comes to steeling fud perhaps they no eech other!!! ok bye
Jan is nearly in a dead faint at the idea of one of us ever bringing her a mouse tail in bed.
Nitro sounds like a real handful!
nitro can have my celery anytime he wants it.
Hi! Nitro is cool :) We want to tell you that we appreciate you stopping by and sharing our good news about Babe's good test results. *Normal* people just don't get that we care so much about our kids......
Nitro is one cool dude!!
A man after my own heart .... :)
Nitro come play wif ME !
::springs in my feet::
::springs in my feet::
Nitro is one smart kitty - we love people food too!
Great limmerick!!! Nitro is well named :) bet there is never a dull moment with him around!
Purrs Mickey
Nitro is a real fun mancat. Snow here is very fond of human food..
Nitro sounds like my kind of cat! :)
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