Sassy made this beautiful picture to remember Roscoe. As you can see Roscoe went to the Rainbow Bridge just short of his and Opus' thirteenth birthday. They were litter brothers and inseparable. When Roscoe got sick, Opus stayed near him and hugged him often. Roscoe had a growth in one kidney, which shut down that kidney's function and the other kidney was quite swollen. His poor little body just couldn't take the strain. The emergency vet did everything possible, but the call of the Rainbow Bridge was just too strong. Cyndi, Opus and Danilo are just devastated, so please go and give them what comfort you can. I have been reading Cat Naps in Italy for a long time and really enjoyed their adventures. I am going to miss Roscoe terribly.
Roscoe was the sweetest boy.
To all who met him he brought joy.
Now he's gone away
To the Bridge to play,
And we are left to remember this darling boy.
That is so lovely. :)
You always have the right words. :)
We will miss Roscoe very much.
Thank you, Karen Jo. That was just lovely.
What a touching tribute to my little Roscoe! You have no idea what this means to me. I'm just so touched by all of the support and love that comes from our blog friends. This is going to be a difficult time for us, but with friends like you it will make things better.
From the deepest reaches of my heart, I thank you.
Grazie mile amica,
Opus and Cyn
That is a beautiful tribute to sweet and handsome Roscoe. Thank you, Karen Jo. Purrrrrrrrrrrs.
As always a wonderful tribute but we wish you didn't have to write it...
We loves your limericks, they are always so touching!
That is such a lovely limerick. We are so sorry for your loss.
Roxy & Lucky
This is such a touching tribute to dear, dear Roscoe. It really is terribly sad to have to say goodbye to him.
Goodbye, Roscoe. Enjoy playing with the other kitties over the bridge.
Sorry for your loss, Roscoe is now waiting for us over de bridge.
I loved your limerick, nice job.
What a beautiful poem for sweet little Roscoe. To all of us who have broken hearts during this difficult it is so comforting to have others reach out to help our loss become a little better.
Roscoe was certainly a loved kitty and will be missed but never forgotten.
My heart reaches out to all of those feeling sad since Roscoe went away.
loves your limericks, Rosco will be missed
Another lovely one Karen Jo, but so sad. We look forward to the happier ones soon to come.
Poor Roscoe. A lovely limerick.
Luf, Us
Another cat gone ... so sad ! and it's always the kidneys, at least at 90 % !
This is so nice, Karen Jo. We are still sad that Roscoe has gone to the bridge.
We are so sorry for everyone who misses sweet Roscoe's purrs.
Many purrs from us,
Spooky, Daisy, Aniwa & Shadow
& Jewelgirl
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